April 30, 2012

Quails Alight

Last week I participated in a little employee art show for Bento Box. This is the painting I did for it, and to kill two birds with one stone (sorry), it was also a commission for a friend. He's a little twisted as you might've deduced from the burning baby quail.

Quails Alight - 8" x 12" gouache


Andrew Castañeda said...

This is great! The burning baby quail is a nice touch. It made me laugh.

Manoj - Outsource PDF to DOC Conversion said...

Thanks for giving this drawing.

Bhashkar_Navisworks said...

nice posting. Good job...

Nadima - juegos de cocina said...

i like this ilustration! is really nice..

Bobberty said...

Hey there Drake, just found your blog while hunting the web for nuggets of info on background painting. Love your work!

At first I thought this was digital, until I read the description. How did you get those lines so even and neat?


Posting Load and Truck said...

Oh well, i like this stuffs.