June 13, 2007

Charles Harper

Very sad news on Drawn!. Sunday, the legendary artist and designer, Charles Harper passed away at the age of 84 from pneumonia. In honor of his life and accomplishments, I'm posting some scanned images from one of the most beautiful books I've ever seen; The Giant Golden Book of Biology. These are so amazing and inspiring, as is the rest of his work.

(Click for larger, as always)

My personal fav from this book. ^

He will be greatly missed, but never forgotten.


M. Ian Ross said...

So sad to hear about his death. Charles Harper is an artist I didnt know by name until recently, but I can see his influence everywhere. He's inspired me and countless others, and was one of the lucky artists to work up until his final days. You can't ask for more than that. Happy travels, Mr. Harper. And wherever you are, I hope there are always animals with you!

Unknown said...

WOW!! These are inspiring indeed!!

Andy said...

This is some amazing stuff. It's too bad we had to lose him. Just got your comments today (stupid blogspace errors). Thanks a bunch. I've been meaning to leave a note but I'm in a photoshop class that's been eating up a bunch of my time lately. I really like the ink drawings you posted recently. Well, I've gotta get back to work. Take care dude.

Kali Fontecchio said...

These are great! Thanks!

Jen said...

Awww man! I didn't know he died! He was such an inspiration. I'm bummed now.

Kyla C said...

I love the artwork in The Giant Golden Book of Biology.