April 6th, 2013
6pm - 10pm
You should know something about me. I love old Hanna Barbera. The charming cartoons, Ed Benedict's masterful designs, the BG paintings by Art Lozzi, Fernando Montealegre, Robert Gentle and others (all overseen by Walt Peregoy) and especially the Golden Books! Greats like Hawley Pratt, Mel Crawford, Al White, Norm McGary and others captured these characters at their best. Their work has been hugely inspirational to me and while I can never hope to be as good as the names above, I was very happy to be invited to participate in the HB group show at Van Eaton Gallery.
I will now shut my face and show you my painting for the show, which was super fun to do. Also, I included some some unhelpful process photos and even a shot of my dumpy little work area, below.
The Collection - 8.5" x 14" cel vinyl acrylic |