November 25, 2007

Another Niece Birthday!

Yep! Another niece's birthday, another paintin'. My niece Ashley turns two next month, so I did this.

6" x 9" cel vinyl on watercolor paper.

Here's the munchkin. She's even cuter in person, if you can imagine that. :)

November 18, 2007

He's no Chester

Quick update. My honorary niece (my niece's cousin who lives with them) is turning 6 in a little over a week, so here's what I painted for her. Cheetahs are her favorite animal. I have 17 more paintings to do before Christmas, so I'd better get busy! I'll update some as they happen (don't want to risk spoiling the surprise).

6" x 9" ink and cel vinyl acrylic on watercolor paper.

November 12, 2007

Back from Vacation Doodles

Just got back from a 2 week vacation in Hong Kong and Japan. It was a great trip and we got to spend time with some friends and take in the sights. We did a ton of walking and took a ton of pictures (2 gigs worth). I also bought a small load of toys, of course. I had little time to draw, but here are a few morsels.

A snake.

From Hama Rikyu Garden in Tokyo.

This exquisite specimen was seated across from us at dinner at Ichiba Coji in Kyoto. She had the worst posture I've ever seen. She was really thin, but still brought some muffin top, to boot. I'm not exaggerating much in this drawing, btw. She sat texting while her boyfriend read his book the entire dinner, so there was very little in the way of communication. Very strange.

Ryoanji Temple rock garden.

I may post a couple noteworthy photos from the trip soon.

In other sad news, my favorite current cartoon, El Tigre has been cancelled after only 6 months. Full of great action, and comedy and artwork, and with a team of super-talents. Nickelodeon has apparently cancelled the show because it wasn't beating their ratings cow, Spongebob. If they wanted a show that could beat Spongebob's ratings (which El Tigre did early on), they just cancelled the only one that had a real shot at it. It's not surprising the ratings tanked, they kept running the same episode over and over and kept moving the timeslot around without posting it on the site. There were quite a few times I tuned in to see the show only to find F-ing Spongebob in it's place. It seems like they don't know how to HAVE a hit show, because even Spongebob would've been cancelled with that kinda crap treatment. What a pisser. I'm gutted for the people who made the show great, and for the fans.

I think I'll write their programming department.