August 13, 2007

Teenage Mutant Ninja Doodle

Here's the doodle Andy requested and will be receiving for his winning guess (see contest below). Congrats! Hope you like it.

Went with a rougher style than my usual because it fits the mood better I think. It's also somewhat reminiscent of the old Eastman and Laird comics, which I used to be a fan of.


Andy said...

Sa-weet dude! Very awesome, thanks so very much.

Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

My pleasure! Should be there in a couple days.

Andy said...

Got in the mail today. Thanks a bunch again. I suppose if you have any requests I could send something your way too. TTYL

william wray said...

years ago I drew the turtles in Comics in the first wave of TMNT madness. Great gig, they paid well and were easy to work for.